March 10, 2010

Luke's First Diorama

I remember hating doing homework as a kid. Little did I know that once you have kids you have to do school work all over again, including reports. As a kid and teenager, I remember stressing out about reports and not being able to enjoy myself until the report was over. I always procrastinated doing homework and/or reports until the last minute and having to stay up real late the night before it was due trying to get it done on time. Hopefully, I will be able to get my kids to be a little more proactive but the feeling of stress is still the same today.

Luke came home and showed me that he had a report to do on the profession of a Doctor. He had to write a report, give an oral report and create a diorama.

We got it done and here is the final project. This is a doctor's exam room.

Luke got a good grade and was very proud of what he accomplished. One down and hundreds more to go!!!


Lindsay said...

LOVE IT! I love the hanging watch "clock", and the doctors coat hanging up!

Ashley said...

Too cute! You guys did an excellent job:) Carter had to do one too and I totally went through the same anxiety. Thanks for reminding me there are hundreds more to go:)

Jannah said...

I like this post a lot. Any more like it up your macintosh sleeve?! Happy Birthday tomorrow Lucas!!!! We will call in the morning!

Wendy said...

He did a great job! Only 45 more to go, sigh. I had no idea I was going to have to relearn math to help my kids. I guess it's to late to get out now. :)