Lindsay and Pat live in Provo and we get to see them periodically. It is always a good time and my boys LOVE them!!!!
Well, this spring we decided to try the age old tradition of flying kites. It was such a good time. I am always amazed at how high a kite can fly. I am 36 and I still get a huge smile on my face when I see the kite work its way up into the sky.
Of course, we had a couple of kites that did really well in the air and then 1 kite that was a real dud.
We all had a good time and can't wait to do it again next year.
Pat brought his own kite and was having a great time with it. It had some issues but he didn't mind.
Luke trying to kite Pat's kite to fly.
Luke hanging out while his kite is flying in the sky.
Pat got his exercise that day running up and down the field trying to get his kite to fly.
Mason took a break from kite flying to go and visit the horse that lives right next to the field.
Pat and Lindsay have a ferret and they brought him along for the fun.
Dylan showing his skills in kite flying by only holding the handle with one hand.
Kite flying can be an exhausting activity, so Mason decided to lay down to fly his kite.
Dylan holding "Frito" the ferret.
Luke was Pat's side kick during the kite flying session. Here he is getting Pat's kite to fly.
The boys watching their kite fly.
Mason working hard and using some muscle to fly his kite.
The smiles kite flying brings to people's faces. I love it!!!
Mason proud of himself for his skills in kite flying.
You better watch out, he is going to fly this kite no matter what!!!!
Rico Suave!!!
Good times and Great memories!!!!