August 25, 2010

Staples in the head

As I said previously, Mason is the most accident prone child (except McKay Brinkerhoff) I know. He literally hurts himself several times a day. It really doesn't even phase me anymore. Well, last week we went to back to school night for Lucas and Dylan.

I was walking down the hallway and turned to go into a classroom. At the same time, Mason was running down the hallway after me and as I was turning into the room, he runs into me and then bounces off my hip and hits his head into the classroom doorknob. Immediately, blood started spurting out of his head.

I couldn't believe it. Not again! So, Jordan picked him up and started running down the hallway. Blood is all over Jordan and running down the side of Mason's head. The administration of the school rush to help out and gave him a towel to cover his head.

Jordan needed to get the car so I took Mason outside and waited for him on the curb of the school. A women who worked at the school stayed by my side and was very concerned for Mason. There was blood everywhere and it looked really gruesome. But, I was calm and I wasn't really concerned. I knew head wounds bleed a lot and I was sure it was just a little cut.

I didn't think it needed stitches but Jordan said we needed to take him to Wee Care because he was sure he needed stitches. We went to the doctor and he took a look at it and said immediately "Yeah, it is a deep cut, he is going to need staples in his head". Dang it! Jordan was right.

I was shocked, I didn't think it was that bad. But after he cleaned up all the blood and I took a look at the wound, I realized it was a deep wound.

But, Mason was a trooper and didn't cry as they put staples in his head. Actually, when they took the staples out of his head a week later he laughed the whole time.

I wish I could say that this would be the last time I am going to report about a head wound from Mason but I am going to be honest and tell you that we will probably have another one in a week or so.

Until then here are the pictures of his staples...


Stephanie said...

the same just happened to us, except it was at church. I had sent Cody and Steven early to save us a seat and I told them to behave and sit reverently--yeah right!!! They got to goofing off and then bam. Steven knocked his head, blood everywhere---BOYS!!! That's all I have to say!!!!

Connie said...

Poor Mason! I hope it heals fast. Jorgen had to have staples in his head about a year ago when he tipped his chair backwards and cut a gash in the back of his head. He still has a bald spot where the staples were.

Wendy said...

I can't decide if I should be beaming with pride that we've been stitched up more that you or sad for both of us....I think I go with the latter. Poor little guy, he's one tough cookie@

Mjika said...

You realize that you posted "tay tuned for another blog entry with another head injury from Mason....." back on July 25th - you were destined to have this happen...

Elisa said...

Ouch, Poor little guy.