August 25, 2008

Boating Anyone?

Boating with the Ostermiller Family
We had the incredible opportunity to go and spend an evening boating with our friends the Ostermiller's at Pineview reservoir. We all had so much fun playing in the water and doing some tubing, skiing and surfing.

The Rowell boys with the Ostermiller girls!

All 3 boys and myself tubing in the water! I can't believe the boat has the power to pull me!
It was some boat!

Mason and Jordan playing in the water. Mason LOVED it!

Luke even tried to waterskii! That's my boy! He tried a couple of times, but couldn't get up. Don't worry Luke, it took me a week to get up on waterskiis when I was 10 years old. I was impressed he even tried. Scott was a great instructor for him.

After many failed attempts, I got my body out of the water. I had a good time but boy was I sore the next day.

Scott took both boys on his surf board and went surfing on the back of the boat. They had a blast!

Here is a video of Dylan surfing!


Wendy said...

I'm impressed!!! Way to go on the water ski's.

Lindsay said...

I am awe struck by you Rowells being all athletic. I guess I dont have any excuse for being such a whimp since i am blood.