September 28, 2008

White Boys Dancing

I have 3 white boys who LOVE to dance. I stress the word "White" because they just don't have the beat like some other people do. Whenever music plays Lucas does some form of break dancing and ends up on the floor doing some interesting movements. Dylan tries really hard to dance to the beat but he ends up shaking his body in many unique ways and Mason has some fast moving feet action. Out of all three boys Mason loves dancing the most. Whenever he is near the stereo, he turns it on and starts dancing. Or whenever he hears any music he starts moving his body to the beat.

Here is a short video of the boys dancing to High School Musical "Get Your Head in the Game".


Kimberly said...

I love to see Mason shake his groove thing. I guess we got alot of wanna be dancers in our family. It is so cute. Mason's getting so big.

Stephanie said...

SO stinkin' cute!!! Don't worry we have our fair share of "white boy" dancers too!!

Brittanny said...

Nice video! It reminds me of Vanilla Ice trying to dance in his video in the 80's! Well...not quite. Your boys are cute and have more rhythm.

Jannah said...

Okay... yeah... we have a definite dancing family! How funny. Did it come from Marv or Marcia? I would LOVE to know.

Mindy said...

That is way too cute! No wonder kids are so skinny, shakin their groove like that. We love our little white boys too!

Lindsay said...

hahhah Hilarious!!! I love them! I think they are great dancers! Dylan looks so serious at times!