July 20, 2010

Island Park 2010

This past summer we were invited to go to Island Park with a bunch of couples. We have attended this couples only weekend a few times before.

It is a fun time where we play games, talk, laugh, relax and not have to worry about anything.

This year we had a great time. The guys always think of stupid things they can do to show off to one another. This year the decided to do the strongest man competition in Island Park.

Here are a few pictures of the competition:

One of the competitions they did was bench press log seats.

Jordan was all ready to lift the bench when Mike jumped on the bench without Jordan knowing. After a lot of grunting and pushing and not being able to move the bench one inch, he finally figured out that he had about 200 plus more weight to lift.

One of the other competitions they did was to see how far they could throw a log with one hand. Here is Jordan doing his best to throw the log.

Nate Anderson doing his best to throw his log.

A face only a mother can love! Rod putting all his energy into getting that log in the air.

Can you believe he can throw a log from his fingertips?????

Another challenge is to throw a stone over their heads to see how far it can go.

Mike taking a look at the competition and how far he had to throw.
Jordan trying to keep up with the other boys, but didn't win this competition.

The Anderson boys trying to look suave while throwing their rock.

Jordan giving it a 100%.

Jordan also trying to look Rico Suave.

Rod, Nate and Jordan. The 3 Amigos.

If looks can kill, we would all be dead. Mike getting really serious about the task at hand.

Lifting the log contest.

This is the back view of the cabin we stayed in.

This is the river in the back yard of the cabin.
Mike explaining the games that we would play the first night at the cabin.

Overall, it was a fun trip that allowed us to have a Calgon moment and just get away.

Two thumbs up!

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