October 9, 2008

Motherhood on one foot!

We all know that motherhood is one of the most challenging roles in life. For me, it is the most difficult thing I have ever done. I struggle on a daily basis with motherhood and try every moment not to let it overwhelm me. But motherhood with one foot is completely different. I know I have taken having two functional feet for granted. Only having one foot makes everything much more difficult. I have to let some things slide (like doing a lot of cleaning, chasing after Mason, going up and down the stairs for different reasons, taking showers and doing errands) because it either hurts to much or is to difficult to do. Now, motherhood and running a household is harder than ever. But, I am so blessed because I know that in a matter of weeks it will all be over. For others, they have to deal with physical limitations for the rest of their lives. My respect and admiration goes out to those people.

What did I do? Well, it has been 6 weeks since my stupid incident. It was a Sunday evening on the Labor Day weekend and my sister and her husband were stopping by our house on their way home from Yellow Stone. We were all in our garage and Mason needed to go to bed. So I ran into the house to put Mason down for the evening. After I put him in bed, I turned around and started walking toward the garage. I opened the door from the house to the garage and quickly come down the cement stairs. My left food hit the ground to the garage when I heard a crack inside my body and then felt a flood of the most excruciating pain I have ever felt in my life. Somehow I landed wrong on my foot and I fractured my foot and sprained my ankle.

I have never felt that kind of pain before. I am such a wuss when it comes to pain. I have never broken a bone or sprained an ankle, received stitches, or have had really anything bad happen to me physically. The worst thing I have every experienced occurred in January when I hit the door frame with my head (it hasn’t been a banner year for me).
The minute I hit the ground and felt the pain I was screaming and crying and carrying on like I had been shot in the leg. As I said, I don’t handle pain very well. I started going into shock because I was freaking out because it hurt so much. About an hour later (and 1000 mg of ibuprofen) I calmed down. Don’t get me wrong, it still hurt, but not the sharp, horrible pain that it had previously been.

Unfortunately, Insta Care was closed so I waited until the next day to go. They took some X-Rays and a CT-Scan to determine that I fractured my foot and sprained my ankle. They gave me a medical boot to wear first and then when I came back for my 2 week check-up, I got a hard cast on. The reason why I got a hard cast was because I wasn’t wearing my removable medical boot as often as I should. I thought it felt very uncomfortable. I didn’t realize how comfortable it was until I got a permanent cast on. I wore the permanent cast for a week when I came to the conclusion that the cast had to go. It hurt, it stinks (literally) and it is creating blisters and sores on my toes and leg. So, I asked Jordan to cut it off. He was a little hesitant at first, but being the handyman he is, he agreed to my proposal. To be honest, I think he thought it would be cool to do because he has never cut off someone’s cast before. So, he got out his Die Grinder and started grinding away. It took about 20 minutes to remove the beast, but I am happy to report that I am cast free or their wasn’t any blood shed. I am now wearing my hard boot and will for the next 3 weeks. I haven’t told my doctor but it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission.

Here is a picture of the mangled cast..

Here is what I am wearing today and probably will for the next month or so...


Wendy said...

I can't believe you didn't let me sign your cast. Your toes look very nice did Jordan polish them again? What a great guy!!

Mary Ellen said...

I love the shiny red toenails peeking out of the boot! Nniicce!

So sorry about your foot. It will all be over soon.

Emily said...

You poor thing!! I think that there should be a rule that mom's can not get hurt in any way that would slow their ability to catch their kids!! And don't you wish that you could say you did it skydiving or cliff jumping - it's never exciting is it?

Nathan and Lesly said...

I think that you cut off your cast is very funny. That would be fun to see the dr's face!

Lindsay said...

THAT IS HILARIOUS!!! I ididnt know you had jordan cut off your cast!!!! ahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahaha Cracks me up. I still cant believe you fractured your foot that day. So weird.