February 8, 2009

The Search Has Finally Come to an End!!! (Thank Goodness)

Our entire marriage, Jordan has always wanted a truck. We had a couple of trucks for a short period of time through the 10 years we have been together. But, we have always had to sell them (moved to Ohio and money for the business) But, Jordan has never given up on the idea that one day he will have a nice truck for good.

The past 6 monthes, he has really pressed hard for a truck. He ALWAYS looks at trucks on KSL or EBay as well as looks at them at the car dealers lots. I just didn't understand why he would want to torchure himself like that because we didn't have the money to put toward a truck. I have a hard time buying a vehicle that we really don't need because my husband wants one (expecially when we have debt from other ventures we have experienced). But, Jordan is very stubborn. When he wants something, he will stop at nothing until he gets it.
About 4 monthes ago, he had me look at a truck that some guy was selling. I humored him and went and looked at the truck. It was an old truck but it was in good shape and he was selling it for a good price. This was when gas was almost $5.00 a gallon and people couldn't give away trucks. Jordan absolutely loved it and he started hounding me on what he could do to get a truck. I felt bad for him because he wanted it so badly but I couldn't in good conscious buy it when we should spend that money on things we need. Well, to make a long story short, I basically told him that he could have the truck as long as the money didn't come out of our budget. So, the wheels started turning in his head and he decided that if he got a second job he could get a truck. I agreed with the idea and the job hunt began.
Well, someone else bought that truck before he could get the money to him. He was extremely disappointed but his determination didn't faulter. He finally found a part time job at Wee-Care in Layton one night a week and got approved for a loan. Now all he needed to do was find a truck.
Well, he found another truck and bought it for a good low price. It was an old truck and had a lot of character (is that how you describe a beater truck). He liked it but after having it for a month or so, he decided that if he is working and sacrificing for a truck, the truck should be much nicer. So, he sold the truck and made a $700.00 profit and began the search for his new truck.
Let me just take a minute and tell you how much time he spent in looking at trucks. Every moment that he wasn't working, he was looking at trucks. It drove me nuts!! We actually got into a fight about it. I was so tired of him coming home from work and sitting in front of the computer and looking at trucks all night. When all the kids are in bed and everything is cleaned up, THEN he could look at trucks. (I know I am a horrible wife)
I am extremely happy to announce that yesterday, he bought a truck. FINALLY!!!! The search is over!!!! Maybe now, he can focus on truely important things. (Can you tell I was getting a little bitter)

He found a very nice truck and is extremely happy. He keeps saying every time he looks at HIS truck "That is a good looking truck". He loves it and now he feels complete. The phrase "You complete me" from Jerry McGuire is a perfect saying for Jordan and his new man truck.

Here is a picture of the new beauty:


Wendy said...

And people say women are drama? It is a very nice looking truck. I'm glad he finally got what he wanted.

Kimberly said...

Yeahhhhh! It is about freakin time. You are not a horrible wife. You are more patient than I would be. They all have their vices. My hubby is video games and Jordan has truck obsession. What is worse. I think it is a toss up.At least yours is coming to an end. Mine will continue as long as he continues to breathe.

The Birds said...

I love the truck! Tell Jordan congrats! I don't think you are bad, the computer crap drives me NUTS!!

Brittanny said...

I do like it...and Josh certainly did too. I guess he will never be a "real man" since he can't buy one until both other cars are paid off- and we know that won't be till I am 80!

Christine said...

I hear you on the computer thing. When we were looking for a trailer that is all Martin did for weeks. I was so releived to have th search over. You guy's look great in your truck.