February 15, 2009

Who needs a snow blower when you can have the Rowell Boys!

Growing up in California, I have never had to shovel snow. I honestly didn't know until about 10 years ago why anyone would have to shovel snow. I thought it would just melt away so why would anyone waste their time shoveling. Then I fell on a thick sheet of ice and then it hit me, "That is why you shovel snow, it freezes!"

Well, I have been spoiled because even though I have lived in snow for the past 15 years, I still haven't had to shovel snow. Jordan has always done that. Well, this Saturday we had a big snow storm and we had a ton of snow that needed to be shoveled.

We came home from the gym and this is what happened within minutes of getting out of the car. All my boys got a shovel and started going to town shoveling snow. It was a really cute scene for me. It gave me a glimpse into the future when my boys won't need me to do everything for them, but they will be old enough to do things for themselves and well as for me. It brought a smile to my face. I had to get a couple of pictures of my snow blowers.


Lindsay said...

AHHHHH! Those are the cutest pictures!!! I love little Mason looking all old! You are so lucky to have 3 boys that will take care of you.

Kimberly said...

Wow, that is a great entry. Brrrr, It looks really cold. I thought I was cold here. That is why you have 3 boys. That is well worth it having that in your life so you don't have to do it. Mason is even following suit. What a big boy. Cute!

Wendy said...

Where are the pics of them hitting each other with the shovels? J/K

Stephanie said...

so stinkin' cute!!!

Jannah said...

I wish we had some of the snow. I bet you do too so you had less huh?! :) Loves!

Mary Ellen said...

That is really fun! Caleb told me that he thought we should have a snowblower. I said "We don't need a snowblower." When he asked why, I said, "Because I have 3 sons."