February 22, 2009

The Boys are Officially Utahans

Our Nanny (Breanne) is involved in dancing. She told us that she is dancing at the Jazz and Celtics game in the pre-game show and wanted us to go and see her. I thought it would be a great opportunity to bring the boys to the game and have them become official Utahans and go and watch the Jazz play. So, Thursday night we headed off to the game. The boys were really excited and were counting down the minutess before the game.

I really didn't want to bring Mason because I knew it would be a nightmare, but he got sick a couple of night before, and I didn't feel comfortable leaving him just in case he threw up again. So, we brought him to the game.

The pre-game show started a half hour before the game. Breanne dance team did a little performance and we were able to watch her in the lower bowl of the arena.

Here is a picture of Breanne dancing (she is the one in the middle of the picture)

While we were waiting for the game to start, I thought I would introduce my boys to Cotton Candy. They were very confused about what you did with it. It didn't look like candy, it didn't feel like candy. I told them to eat it. They hesitated for a moment but slowly brought it to their mouth. The minute they put the candy in their mouth a big smile came across their face.

Mason couldn't get enough of it. He kept asking for more. The other two boys weren't very interested after a couple of bites of it. It just wasn't there thing. Dylan is a chocolate man and Luke is more into gum.

Here is a picture of them eating cotton candy...

By the time the game started, Mason was done. He couldn't handle sitting down any longer. But, we tried very hard to keep him entertained. We bribed him with popcorn, hot dogs and root bear but nothing worked. We only made it until half time. Even though we didn't watch the entire game, the boys still had fun.

Here are the boys at the game....

(I swear my kids don't know how to smile normally. When you say "smile" they come up with the funkest faces.)

We were in the "nose bleed" section but they still had fun rooting for the Jazz.

One the way home, Lucas and Dylan fell asleep within 5 minutes. But, not Mason. He doesn't sleep in the car. He was talking and talking and poking Lucas' face. He was non-stop noise for about 35 minutes. Then all of a sudden, he was quiet. I looked back and this is what I found....

I couldn't stop laughing. He just couldn't hang on anymore. His body was done and he konked out.
Jordan and the boys had a good time and they can officially say they went to a Jazz game. Maybe next time, they an watch the entire game....


Lindsay said...

That sounds like such a fun night. One that they will always remember being fun, even though for you it wasnt the "best experience". You are so good at having your family experience life. As I still have never been to a Jazz game.

Stephanie said...

How fun!! my boys have been asking to go to a game too!! We should go together!!!

Kimberly said...

The beauty of doing something fun so that when you are done they go fast asleep. That is probaly the number one reason why I do the fun things I do with the kids so I can have that same picture in my mind. Pure Exhaustion.

Trent said...

What great pictures!!!! I love the one of Mason asleep. They are such handsome boys. Yes Jordan, you included!hee hee


Jannah said...

Why kids smile like that is beyond me. I think that is why candid pictures seem to turn out best. The faces are usually the last thing you would consider a "smile"... they sometimes look like "see how I can grind my teeth" or "look how high my eyebrows go" or "let's see if my eyes can pop out of their sockets while I breathe solely out of my mouth". been there... done that.