March 1, 2009

A New Experiment in the Rowell Household!!!

Last weekend, I went to a Birthday Party for one of my friend's twin boys and I was talking to their mom Stephanie (who is completely amazing) and she told me of something that has really had a positive impact on their family. She implemented a special day during the week for each of her boys. During their special day they get to have special priviledges and make choices that make them feel important and "special".
What has happened in their household, is her boys act better during their special day and the other kids treat the special "boy" better. They have less fighting and more harmony. So, I thought "I could use some harmony in my house and I will try anything that will make my boys act better", so on Monday during Family Home Evening, I introduced the "special" day program.

We talked about what does "special" mean and what things can we do to make someone feel special or not special. Then I talked about how we are going to have a "special" day for each person in our family. I laid all the rules out:

Rule 1: They need to act special all day. This means they make good choices and be an extra good boy.
Rule 2: Other people in the family need to treat the "special" person, special all day. They are respectful and kind and make them feel good all day long.

Rule 3: They get to choose who says the prayer during the day.

Rule 4: They get to pick what to eat for dinner.

Rule 5: They get to choose what computer game or TV shows they can watch during TV time.

Rule 6: They get a special plate, bowl and cup to use during meal times.

Rule 7: They get to pick other choices that are presented during the day, which mom and dad allow them to pick.
Well, the "special" day schedule is as follows:

Monday: Jodi


Wednesday: Mason


It has been a week since we implemented the "special" day program and I am happy to say that it went pretty well. My house isn't completely harmounious by any means, but there was a little less fighting and more excitement over the priviledge of having a special day. I am really excited to see how this will play out.
I am so grateful for wonderful women in my life whom can share their knowledge and wisdom with me and help me to be a better mom and provide a better home for my kids.


Lindsay said...

How cute is that idea!??!!? What a good idea. I think that Pat and I will implement the "special day" program in our house too! ahahhaha

Stephanie said...

I love that it's working!!! We sure do love it at our home and I hope that it can become a life long tradition in BOTH of our homes!! : )

I love you Jodi and think that you are an amazing mom too!!!

Wendy said...

Ok, can I be Saturday??

What a fun idea!!

Emily said...

That is so great!! I'll have to get an update from you soon and see if it still working - I'll try anything for good behavior!! We've loved having Lucas over - he is so much fun and is so loving with our baby. He must be a great big brother.