March 29, 2009

A Bath Gone Bad...

On Sunday nights I am by myself at home with the boys because Jordan is working at Wee Care. So, I try to do some fun things with them while he is gone. Tonight, we played some games and then I told them they could take a bath in my bath. This is a real treat for my boys because I don't let them take a bath in there very often because they ALWAYS make a mess. But, I thought I would be nice and let them take a bath. I got the bath ready (a normal bath with no bubbles) and then left the bathroom. When I came back about 5-7 minutes later, this is what I found..

They had filled the water to the rim of the bathtub and dumped a ton of bubbles in the bath. Thank goodness I came in when I did or the entire bathroom would have been filled with water and bubbles. AAAHHHHH!!!
Well, it took about 30 minutes to clean up. The boys helped clean up some of the mess but I sent them to their room to get ready for bed. When I came to get them out of their bedroom, I ask Dylan to get his clothes out of the bathroom. He follows me and yells back at Luke "Mom is not mad!"
I said, "Yes, I am"
Dylan responds, "You don't have a mad face. When you are mad, you have a mad face"
Well, even though I didn't have a mad face, I wasn't pleased. But, I am sure this won't be the last mess I will catch my boys making.
Boys will be boys, especially my boys.


Kimberly said...

Man, you have been a blogging fool lately. I am so proud of you. I love the bike ride entry. I can't wait to go on a bike ride again. Those were the best days of our family. Taking trips to Chipotle on our bikes. I love you guys! Happy Birthday Mason!

Wendy said...

At least if they were gonna make a mess it was a doozy!! I like lots of bubbles tooo!!!

Trent said...

I love it! That picture made me laugh out loud!!!!! They are hilarious.


Stephanie said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture!!!!! lol

Lindsay said...

Hilarious picture! I love those boys of yours. How could you be mad at faces like that!?

Jannah said...

Girls will be boys too.