June 16, 2008

It is Hard Being "4"

Dylan has a hard time being "4". Luke always gets to do stuff first. He had a really hard time when Luke got to play soccer and he didn't. Then he was upset when Luke got to ride a big boy bike before he did. He didn't understand why he couldn't play "T"ball or basketball.

So when Luke lost his tooth......it was a sad day in the Rowell household for Dylan. He wanted to be "6" so he could lose his teeth and have the tooth fairy visit him. We put Luke's tooth in a plastic bag and wrote " Luke's first lost tooth". Dylan needed a bag too. So he found some little dinosaurs and we wrote "Dylan's Dinos". He still can't understand why he can't be the same age as Luke but as we all know "Life is hard and then you die!"

1 comment:

Julee and Fam said...

Hi Jodi i found your blog, i am a blogger too. Here is my link...www.chadjuleeandfam.blogspot.com
Hope to here from you soon. your kids are still just as cute as ever!!!I knew it Jordan is such a bully! I know a support group if you need one Ha ha ha...julee Tsoufiou