June 16, 2008

Tooth Fairy Meet Lucas

Luke lost his first tooth! So here is the story.....Luke was in his room and was biting a shirt ( don't ask me why my kids show animal like behaviors) and he pulled really hard on the shirt and it made his tooth loose. He came down to my office and was freaking out. He was screaming and crying telling me that his tooth is loose and then in the same breath he would yell at me saying that his tooth is gone. After a lot of coaxing and trying to make him calm down, he finally realized what was happening and was alright with the idea that he had a loose tooth.

After a week of him wiggling his tooth, it finally came to the point that it was really loose. Being the very impatient mom that I am, I wanted that tooth out now. Even as a kid, when I got a loose tooth I worked on that tooth until it came out. I wanted the MONEY. Luke came into the bathroom when I was bathing Mason one night and he wanted me to feel how loose his tooth was. After I felt it, I had to get it out. No more wait until the tooth comes out itself. I started coaching Luke on ways to get the tooth out. I had him wiggle hard, get dental floss, and start working on the root of the tooth. Luke was excited and scared at the same time. This was all new to him so he wasn't sure what to expect. I kept telling him that it would be O.K. but he was a little hesistant to pull the tooth out.

Thirty minutes later, the tooth was ready. Here is a clip of the big event.


Scrapit Girl (Wendy) said...

Taylor is jealous!!! Gotta love those toothless smiles.

Hall Family said...

I'm tellin ya, Luke is a little Matt Damon, more so now than before. Man you have some gorgeous little men. Oh, and I love your hair on the Dumbo ride. Did you see you inspired me to do a blog too! :)