June 10, 2008

Who said Mormon women aren't abused!

In January, I was racing with with Luke in our basement ( trying to make up for all the bad mom things I have done) and tripped over him and hit head first into the molding of a door (by the way, molding doesn't have any give!!). All I can remember is knowing that I was going to fall and seeing the door and then next thing I feel is a huge amount of pain in my head and leg. I hit so hard that I completely crack the molding and put a huge hole in the wall. I had the BIGGEST bump on my forehead. I looked like Frankenstein. I messed up my knee and had multiple bumps on my chin. I was a complete mess. I didn't want to go to the ER but after much convincing I finally went. ( You should have seen the horror on Jordan's face when he saw the orange sized bump on my head. In the nicest way possible, he told me that I was going to be O.K. but he really feels that I needed to go to the ER because my injury didn't look to good.) After $3,000 dollars of tests and head scans the doctors concluded that I was fine (even though he said mine was one of the biggest hematomas he has seen). His prognosis was that I just had a huge hematoma on my head ( I wish I could charge thousands of dollars for stating the obvious!). After weeks of bruising and pain, I finally recovered. I still have a scar on my forehead and my knee.

Here is a picture of my face after a couple of days.


Wendy said...

I still think you should have told people you were a professional boxer.

Mary Ellen said...

Ouch! Wow girl, that is quite a shiner....nice story to go with it. Did the doctor believe you or was he casting suspicious glares at your husband the whole time?

The Petersen's said...

That is a killer eye.. it makes pretty eye shadow hee hee though