July 28, 2008

The First Week of 1st Grade

I can't believe I have a kid that is starting 1st grade! Luke just finished his first week of 1st grade at his new school, Bluff Ridge.

How did it go? I think well. I know it has been a bit of a transition for him. He is so used to going to a school where he didn't have a lot of structured time when it came to learning. At Mills Montessori school, he had more of a hands on approach to learning. They had certain subjects that they would cover but not in the traditional time segments like they do at Bluff Ridge. I know he is doing a lot more sitting at a desk and I think it has been hard for him. He has come home this week from school and he seems worn out. It could be because he gets home around 3:30 and starts school at 8:40.

When I ask him how school was when he gets home, he always has the same answer..."Good". After prodding and prodding, he tells me that he likes his teacher and likes having his friends Taylor, Ammon and Tanner in his class. He also likes eating lunch at school. When I ask him about what else he does during the day, he say " Some reading, math and going over school and classroom rules". That is about all I can get from him. Nothing more! I find out from Wendy Brinkerhoff that Taylor told her that some kid puked all over his desk at school. Now that is news worthy information. But, Luke didn't say a word. I get nothing. So, I guess from the little I know, his first week went well. I am crossing my fingers that he enjoys his teacher Mr. Wheeler and has a positive first grade experience.

Here is Luke on his first day of 1st grade....


Wendy said...

If it's details about puke you want, leave it to me to get it out of them....

Lindsay said...

I can NOT believe Luke is already in 1st grade. It makes me want to cry. I feel like he was just learning to talk and walk!
It is scary because I remember so much about first grade and cant believe he is at that age already. It scary to think that before you know it he will be a TEENAGER!!!!

Mary Ellen said...

No news is good news, then, right? BTW, I LOVE the Vanilla Ice...takes me back to 9th grade, whoo hoo!

Dawn said...

Good grief, you guys start school in July out there? Thanks for the post on my blog, but I don't know what you're talking about. Creativity and imagination? What imagination? All that stuff really happened.

Kimberly said...

It is hard to believe that 6 years ago I was in your labor and seeing a huge conehead. He is grown up well. He is so handsome. I hope he gets used to being in a public school eventually.