July 6, 2008

It's Alive! The Toddler Monster Has Awaken!

It is official, I have another toddler! AHHHHHHHHHHH! I knew it would happen, but it still hurts. Mason this week has officially turned into a toddler. He has thrown about 5 temper tandrums, he hits me when he is mad, I tell him "no" and he repeats "no" and then does it anyways and he screams bloody murder at the top of his lungs when he doesn't get his way.

For example, today, I had to take him out of sacrament meeting because he was starting to pitch a fit. By the time I had him in the foyer of the chapel he was balistic. I couldn't control him. He was possessed! After many sympathetic looks from other members of the church, I finally had to take him outside before the Bishop came out to see what the he_ _ was going on. I couldnt' believe it. Where did my sweet loving baby go?

When he performed his first temper tantrum this week by throwing himself down on the ground and kicking his feet while screaming and screaming and screaming, I knew that one chapter of motherhood has closed and a really hard one has begun.

Let's be honest, I don't do well with toddlers. I don't like the screaming, talking back and oh what do phychologist call it"expressing themselves" part of toddlerhood. I prefer the cooing, babbling and sleeping part of having a baby. But, unfortunatley, they have to grow up and mine sweet innocent baby is now the "toddler monster".

This is the face that I am seeing a lot of lately!

This is just a tiny tiny taste of what we are talking about....


Dawn said...

It had to happen. Sorry to hear about your unfortunate development. Just remember, what doesn't kill you will make you stronger. Love ya!

Wendy said...

oh common, he just wanted to play with the milk jug!!!! Gotta love tantrums...Emma is the queen bee. To bad the binky trick doesn't work anymore.

NellieV said...

I was blogging about my own toddler monster and searched for a monster pic and your came up. It's funny how some of us moms are so much alike! I love your blog by the way. I said the toddler monster ate my baby. :)